What is Priapism? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

What is Priapism Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

Priapism is a condition that causes persistent erection in the penis area. Experts record the Priapism incident rate is 1.5/100K people each year. Indeed, this disorder can damage penis tissues and occurs with infections. However, death is not associated with it. Still, there are possibilities of severe health damage if not treated timely. Doctors record few deaths of patients who have sickle cell disease with Priapism. Thus, you should consult with a doctor immediately if you see any potential appearance of it. But first, you need to understand what Priapism is, its causes, and treatment. So check out to note such crucial information.

What Does Priapism Mean? Priapism Symptoms

Prolonged erection is also known as Priapism. Indeed, it is a condition that causes persistent erection in the penis. This symptom can last more than 4 hours and beyond. However, it is an unwanted erection that occurs without sexual arousal. Patients experience annoying pain under this duration. Indeed, this symptom can cause harmful side effects in the future. 

During this period, blood gets stuck in the penis area. Thus, it suffers from a lack of oxygen. The doctor records tremendous damages in penis tissue for this persistent erection. Indeed, it is a severe medical condition that needs to be treated timely. Otherwise, patients can experience Permanent Erectile Dysfunction in the future.

Priapism Symptoms

  • Continuous erection for more than 4 hours or longer
  • Annoying pain in the penis
  • Start erection without sexual arousal

The report says this is an uncommon disorder. Still, there are possibilities of getting a Prolonged erection at the age of 30. Thus, you should avoid such activities that cause Priapism. Below we give potential reasons that tend to trigger such erection.

What Are The Causes Of Priapism?

Priapism is an unwanted erection that occurs without any sexual stimulation. Erection that lasts more than 4 hours and starts pain in the male penis. Indeed, It varies on multiple factors. Patients may suffer from certain diseases, drug addictions, infections, etc. So below are the causes that trigger Prolonged erection in the male penis.


Injury in the spinal cord or trauma in this area can cause Priapism. Doctors Prolonged erection is associated with spinal shock. Indeed, damage in the spinal cord is harmful to your nervous system. It decreases blood flow in the penis and causes erectile dysfunction.

Toxic infections

Toxins that come from Black widow spider bites can cause Priapism. However, it is rarely reported to the medical clinic. Still, doctors say, Such toxins tend to trigger cramps, hypertension, and abdominal pain. Besides, Carbon monoxide poisoning can also cause male sexual dysfunction. However, more research is needed to know which HO/CO affects men’s physiology and pathophysiology.


It is a Metabolic disorder that causes plasma cell dyscrasia. One report says a sixty-five years old man experienced a painful erection due to his Amyloidosis. However, it is the first case that shows Amyloidosis presenting with Priapism.

Drug addictions

Excessive consumption of drugs like marijuana and cocaine reduces blood flow in the penis. In the future, it can occur with a prolonged erection.

Why Priapism in sickle cell disease?

It is the first reason behind Prolonged erection. Sickle-cell disease can occur in children and adults. Indeed, this is a red blood cell disorder that causes defective hemoglobin. Such conditions in red blood cells can cause a painful erection. Indeed, Sickle blood cells block vessels and cause e-regular blood flow & pain.

How Common is Priapism with Viagra

Indeed, Priapism is a rare condition for men. Till now, the FDA recorded 441 cases of Priapism that occurs for viagra. Indeed, any ED drugs like sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil. Thus, it is unknown that viagra causes Prolonged erection in men.

You can safely consume ED pills like Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, etc. Indeed, these drugs are approved by the FDA. Patients can intake these pills to treat erectile dysfunction. Besides, these are PDE-5 inhibitors that quickly eliminate the cause of the poor erection. Thus, patients can perform satisfying sex with their partners.

Can Priapism Cause Impotence?

Impotence is a condition where men can’t keep a firm erection during intimacy. Indeed, this symptom can occur due to Priapism. As we mentioned, a Prolonged erection tends to damage penis tissues. It causes erectile dysfunction where the patient loses their sex capability.

Can Priapism Be Cured?

Indeed, It occurs in two types. The first one is low-flow Priapism, where blood doesn’t flow and gets stuck in your penis. It causes a painful erection for a certain period. The second type is high flow priapism which is the cause of arterial inflow. This persistent erection can last more than 24 hours. A doctor is your best advisor to differentiate the type of your Priapism. After that, experts will prescribe accurate medications as per your health. Doctors mostly recommend the following tests to confirm the type of Priapism.

Blood test

First, your doctor takes your blood sample. After that, they examine if your blood suffers from a lack of oxygen. If this happens, it means you have low flow Priapism. A condition where blood gets stuck in your penis. In contrast, if the sample is bright red blood, then it is called high flow Priapism. However, blood tests are also critical to know other ideas.

Urine Test

Indeed, Prolonged erection is also associated with drug usage. In such cases, your doctor can take a urine test to know the difficulties.

Treatment of Priapism

Indeed, the treatment of Prolonged erection depends on the high flow and low flow conditions. Doctors mainly focus on making blood flow normal in your penis. In this case, experts prescribed a few crucial therapies and medications. The followings are below

  • Injected drugs that eliminate excess blood stuck in your penis vessels
  • Shrinking and expànding your blood vessels to maintain the flow
  • Surgery to cure arteries damaged

Indeed ice pack therapy is the best way to reduce an involuntary erection. This therapy helps to decrease swelling and pain effectively.


So these are the detailed guides of Priapism, its causes, and treatment. Indeed, It is a rare & complex disease among men. There are several causes behind this disorder. Patients should consult with a doctor to know their difficulties. Erectile dysfunction is a possible side effect due to Priapism.


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