Do Blood Pressure Medicines Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

Blood Pressure Medicines Cause Erectile Dysfunction
Almost every person in their middle age is likely to have blood pressure also known as hypertension. People with high blood pressure have been prescribed those medications that can help them maintain bp level. But according to certain surveys BP medications are known to cause erectile dysfunction. In an examination of 30 healthy men with issues of blood pressure, all of them had some form of erectile dysfunction. And hence for almost all men they have a prime agenda of finding BP medication that does not cause ED. But you must understand that the first step towards treating both is following a healthy lifestyle. Below you will know about BP medications and their effects on ED. 

Erectile Dysfunction And Blood Pressure

It is a known fact that blood pressure harms your veins. Over the long haul, it can make your supply routes less adaptable and thin that decreases your bloodstream. In addition to the fact that it puts you in danger of coronary failure and stroke, it likewise restricts the blood that flows into your penis. Having a good blood course through the veins is expected to get and keep an erection.

If left untreated, hypertension can lead to erectile dysfunction. In any case, some medicines for hypertension can likewise disable sexual capacity and cause ED. It might appear to be somewhat similar to an endless loop, however, it isn’t really. Not all hypertension drugs cause ED.  Drugs such as Viagra can treat erectile dysfunction due to hypertension.

Some circulatory strain drugs are bound to prompt ED more than others. If you realize which hypertension drugs are bound to cause erectile brokenness as an aftereffect, then, at that point, you can talk with your PCP about them. This will assist you with seeking treatment that is best for you both all through the room.

Blood Pressure Drugs That Are Beneficial:

There exist certain professionally prescribed drugs that have more useful impacts on erectile function than others. This is the list of medications that have been demonstrated to be useful:

1)  Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors 

These inhibitors are a class of prescriptions that lower circulatory strain by loosening up veins and conduits. They work by hindering the action of the angiotensin-converting chemical. It further changes angiotensin I over to angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a powerful chemical that makes smooth muscles around veins contract, bringing about the limiting of veins and an ascent in pulse.

Obstructing this impact brings about an unwinding of veins and a decline in pulse. It likewise implies that it can assist with elevating the bloodstream to specific spaces of the body like the penis. ACE inhibitors likewise lessen the responsibility of the heart which can expand endurance and sexual performance. Normal ACE inhibitors taken for hypertension include:

●   Enalapril

●   Lisinopril

●   Perindopril

●   Ramipril

●   Captopril

●   Benazepril 

2)  Vasodilators: 

These blood vessel vasodilators work like Cialis to loosen up veins and further develop the bloodstream that assists with bringing down circulatory strain.

Some normal blood vessel vasodilators taken for hypertension include:

●   Benazepril 

●   Captopril 

●   Enalapril

●   Fosinopril 

●   Lisinopril

●   Moexipril 

●   Perindopril 

Since these prescriptions work by animating the bloodstream, they might have an optional advantage of further developing ED. There are additional vasodilators, such as alprostadil, that are explicitly recommended for ED. These medications are infused straightforwardly into the penis or urethra to elevate the bloodstream to the space. You might encounter an erection as fast as 10 minutes after that. Alprostadil is additionally accessible as a urethral suppository for individuals who lean toward a non-injectable type of treatment.

3)  Alpha-Blockers: 

Alpha-blockers are a class of medications that work by blocking the impacts of the chemicals adrenaline and noradrenaline on your veins. Adrenaline and noradrenaline influence your veins to limit so blood has less space to course through. Alpha-blockers permit your veins to unwind and enlarge, making it easier for blood to move through. 

Alpha-blockers like Hytrin and Cardura can cause trouble in keeping an erection or potentially diminished discharge. However, as a class, alpha-blockers just seldom cause ED. Alpha-blockers regularly are not the main treatment choice for hypertension, yet some normal alpha-blockers that might be taken for hypertension include:

●   Cardura 

●   Minipress 

●   Baratol 

●   Hytrin 

Alpha-blockers shouldn’t be taken by a person who is on PDE5 inhibitors, similar to Viagra, and antidepressants, as they can cause an abrupt drop in circulatory strain whenever taken together.

Blood Pressure Medicines That Increase Risk Of Erectile Dysfunction:

One explanation why erectile dysfunction turns out to be more normal with age is that more established men are bound to be taking drugs, and ED is regularly a symptom of numerous normal medications. Truth be told, it’s been assessed that 25% of all ED is brought about by medication. The accompanying medication classes have been connected to the expanded danger of ED. If you have worries about prescriptions you are taking, talk with your medical care supplier about different choices accessible to you. You ought to never begin or stop a circulatory strain prescription without clinical oversight.

1)  Diuretics and Erectile Dysfunction

Diuretics that are also known as water pills, increment pee yield to assist with letting overabundance water and salt out of the blood. This assists lower blood pressure by diminishing the measure of blood the heart needs to siphon. It’s obscure precisely what diuretics mean for erectile capacity, however, some examination recommends that diuretics can build erectile dysfunction. Common diuretics that are taken include:

●   Bumex

●   Hygroton 

●   Diuril 

●   Edecrin 

●   Lasix

●   Lozol 

●   Enduron 

●   Demadex 

2)  Beta-Blockers: 

Beta-blockers are medicines that are known to work by hindering the impact of adrenaline on tissues. There’s some exploration that proposes beta-blockers might diminish bloodstream to the penis, making it hard to get an erection. Conflictingly, a few examinations have affirmed that taking the beta-blocker may be advantageous to erectile dysfunction. Some regularly utilized beta-blockers that may adversely affect penile capacity include:

●   Coreg 

●   Lopressor, Toprol XL 

●   Tenormin 

●   Inderal LA

3)  Calcium Channel Blockers: 

Calcium channel blockers are used to treat hypertension by obstructing calcium from entering the phones of the heart and courses. This loosens up veins and further develops the bloodstream. A new investigation taking a gander at five epidemiological preliminaries assessing the impact of various cardiovascular medications on erectile capacity observed that calcium channel blockers had no pertinent or even a beneficial outcome on erectile capacity.

While these discoveries might be disappointing, they are disconnected from more established investigations that have ensnared the utilization of calcium direct blockers in erectile dysfunction. More examination is expected to affirm the job of calcium diverts blockers in erectile brokenness. Normal calcium channel blockers endorsed for hypertension include:

●   Norvasc 

●   Plendil 

●   DynaCirc

●   Cardene 

●   Procardia XL, Adalat 

●   Cardizem, Dilacor, Tiazac, Diltia XL 

●   Sular 

●   Calan SR, Verelan, Covera-HS


For almost all people it is easy to manage between high and low blood pressure. If you are suffering from high blood pressure you must take a step forward to a healthy lifestyle and improve health conditions. Keep all your doctor’s recommendations in mind to not make any mistakes. But if you are suffering from low blood pressure then talk to your doctor and find out the cause and thoroughly follow his directions to be healthy. High pressure is asymptomatic and hence you need to have regular checkups. Both blood pressure and blood pressure medications can cause erectile dysfunction and hence be safe while consuming them.


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