Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a disorder in men which causes an inability to achieve or maintain an erection. The prevalence of this disorder increases with age but it doesn’t mean that ED cannot occur at a young age. Approximately 40 percent of men are affected by this issue at the age of 40 and roughly 70 percent of men face this issue at the age of 70. This disorder happens as a result of improper blood flow to the penis. An enzyme called PDE 5 (Phosphodiesterase Type 5) inhibits the blood flow to certain areas of the body which makes it difficult for the person to attain an erection or maintain one. Viagra is not only used as a medication to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction but also for various purposes. There are various uses and risks of Viagra.
Table of Contents
Different Uses of Viagra
1. Viagra can be Used to Cure Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Viagra can be used to cure pulmonary hypertension (PH). It is sold under the name Revatio to treat this particular problem. It contains the same ingredient Sildenafil which comes under the PDE 5 group of medicines. Pulmonary Hypertension is a type of high blood pressure in the lungs. What the medication does is – relax the arteries that lead to the lungs. It is to be noted that this is a prescription-only drug and so, it should be used only on the advice of a doctor.
2. Viagra can be Used to Cure Jet Lag
A survey was conducted that found out Viagra can help reset the sleep and wake cycle quicker in hamsters.
A team of researchers tested the use of Viagra on a few hamsters to cure their jet lag. The Viagra pill helps to prevent jet lag by raising the levels of the molecule cGMP (Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate). There is still less information as to whether it can act as a cure for humans or not. However, the dose for humans will still be less as compared to the one tested on hamsters.
Sadly, it is hard to tell how well this exploration means for humans or assume it deciphers by any stretch of the imagination. Hamsters are altogether different from people and because they weren’t by and large flown mostly round the world, it is likewise hard to know whether changing light openness has a similar impact on circadian rhythms as flying. Yet, it was an extremely particular piece of examination! This claim is only about viagra and no other meds like Cialis.
3. Viagra can be Used to Cure Premature Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a devastating problem for both partners. Who likes to climax too soon? What happens if things don’t work out your way? Premature Ejaculation is a problem in which a man ejaculates sooner than he wishes to. If a person ejaculates within the first two minutes of sexual stimulation, then he might be suffering from Premature Ejaculation (PE). Sildenafil Citrate is known to treat the symptoms of PE and can help you to delay your ejaculation. Side effects such as headaches, indigestion, flushing can occur.
4. Viagra can be Used to Cure High Altitude Sickness
The oxygen levels decrease as we go to high altitudes. When oxygen levels decrease, it becomes more difficult for our heart to pump blood. Viagra enhances the blood flow and enables the heart to pump blood more freely and so, it is considered an effective medication for high altitude sickness. Side effects such as nausea, sickness can occur after the consumption of this medicine.
Every drug comes with a certain number of risks associated with it. Viagra is no different and hence, it should be used as per the advice of a doctor. Let’s discuss the risks involved when taking Viagra.
5. Viagra increases Athletic Performance
Plenty of studies were conducted to examine the utilization of Viagra to improve athletic execution and most of these investigations were in cyclists. For most competitors, Viagra sits idle and a 2006 review showed an improvement in four out of ten of the cyclists who partook, however just at high elevations. Specialists who have surveyed these preliminaries have presumed that there are unmistakable individual contrasts in the manner individuals react to sildenafil, concerning improving their cardiovascular capacity during exercise.
6. Viagra to Save Endangered Species
You might be amazed to know that people consume Rhino horn, tiger bones, seal penises, or reindeer tusk velvet to help your sexual coexistence. By and large, innumerable quantities of creatures have had their privates, organs, tusks, or meat promoted as a remedy for erectile dysfunction, notwithstanding basically no evidence that any of these work. Since Viagra and other ED medicines have come available, the interest for these parts from extraordinary and jeopardized creatures seems to have dropped.
Note: Viagra Is Not A Sex Stimulant
You must be aware that Viagra doesn’t expand a man’s longing to engage in sexual relations and hence you must so converse with your physician if you think your sex drive has dropped. Quite a few things can add to low charisma, including low testosterone, melancholy, stress, relationship issues, physician recommended prescriptions, excessively little or a lot of activity, liquor, and medications. Viagra just works within the sight of sexual incitement, it doesn’t increment sexual inclination. Also, meds like Cenforce are not stimulants.
Risks Associated with Viagra:

There are plenty of risks that are associated with the usage of Viagra. Check with your primary care physician quickly if any of the accompanying secondary effects happen while taking sildenafil:
More uncommon
● Bladder torment
● consuming inclination in the chest or stomach
● shady or bleeding pee
● Pain and expanded recurrence of pee
● heartburn and stomach upset
● delicacy in the stomach region
● Strange vision
● tension and conduct change like intoxication
● draining of the eye and obscured vision
● bone agony
● chest torment
● chills and cold sweats
● spasms (seizures)
● cool and fair skin
● deafness or hearing misfortune
● the decline in a measure of pee or the recurrence of pee
● diminished vision and trouble in concentrating
● dizziness or unsteadiness, particularly while getting up out of nowhere from a lying or sitting position
● dry eyes and mouth
● dryness, redness, scaling, or stripping of the skin
● swooning or faintness
● quick, unpredictable, or beating heartbeat
● delayed, excruciating erection of the penis
● affectability to light and instability
List of side effects that don’t need immediate help:
More normal
● Hurts or agonies in the muscles
● ridiculous nose
● loose bowels
● troublesome or worked relaxing
● flushing and cerebral pain
● agony or delicacy around the eyes and cheekbones
● redness of the skin
● stomach inconvenience following dinners
● stodgy or runny nose
● inconvenience dozing
● uncommonly warm skin
● Stomach or stomach torment
● strange dreams
● nervousness
● awkwardness or insecurity
● stomach cramps (serious or proceeding)
● trouble in gulping and ear torment
● expanded skin affectability
● loss of bladder control
● ringing or humming in the ears
● impression of movement, normally spinning, both of one’s self or one’s environmental elements
● sexual issues in men (keeping), including the inability to encounter a sexual climax
If you feel that you are suffering from erectile dysfunction it is best to consult a doctor. Taking any medication, even Viagra, without a doctor’s prescription is harmful to men’s health. Viagra does not only help people with erectile dysfunction there are many other uses of it. All the uses mentioned above are valid after you consult a doctor. Also, there are certain risks associated with illicit consumption of Viagra and hence you must be aware of them.